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Justin Searls edited this page Aug 13, 2015 · 2 revisions
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The "Subject" or "Subject Under Test" or even "SUT" is a term used for "the production code being tested by this test". It's not a particularly meaningful or descriptive name, but it's consistent, and it's what the xUnit Patterns book defined, so it's the one I suggest using—both in conversation and in naming.

Put simply, I recommend naming the variable of whatever is being tested subject in all cases. This yields two immediate benefits:

  • Readers of the test familiar with the "subject" meme will be able to identify the thing being tested, even if the test is otherwise long, unwieldy, and hard to navigate
  • Extract refactors of code from the subject into new first-class units will be less disruptive, as the identifiers won't need to be changed for the tests to be excised and placed in a new listing

Support by tools

Some frameworks have even codified subject as a built-in feature, like RSpec:

class Foo
  def bar

describe Foo
  it "works" do
    expect( eq("HI")

Where subject is an instance of Foo created by RSpec automatically, as if the user had defined let(:subject) { }. Note that the instantiation of subject can be customized by passing a block like subject { }.


Interestingly, RSpec's maintainer at the time wrote that he believed using subject was a code smell, preferring that each test arrive at its own expressive name for the thing being tested.

It's my opinion that, expressive as that approach may be, every name in a system represents an additional concept and an indirection to be mentally unfurled. Using subject is an opportunity to slightly reduce the cognitive load required to understand a given test, and since that's of greater concern in most test suites, it's worth the trade-off in expressiveness. As a result, providing a custom name to the subject smells like an instance of accidental creativity.