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Identify Learning Goals

Justin Searls edited this page Jul 29, 2016 · 4 revisions

This is a pre-survey for a multi-day training from Test Double. Contact us if you'd like more information.

Welcome! To get things started off, everyone please take four index cards and a marker. In large print, answer these questions (each on their own card):

  1. What's something you know about testing?
  2. What are you most excited about this week? (If anything at all)
  3. What's something you want to learn about testing?
  4. What are you most worried about this week?
  5. Are you already comfortable with git, GitHub, forking projects, and pull requests? (It's OK to answer "No"!)

Once everyone is present and fills their cards, we'll circle up and present our cards to each other and discuss our hopes and fears for the week. I'll do my very best to be mindful of both, and also make a point that everything people want to learn is addressed.

While you're waiting for your colleagues, feel free to get started with your Environment Setup.