June 15, 2020

Introducing TestCraft for Codeless, Automated Testing

Industry News

To say life has changed is a serious understatement.  

When in-person interactions were limited by the pandemic, the world dramatically reorganized itself around the screens on our computers and mobile devices. Websites and apps have made this transition possible and helped us all continue with our lives — from working to banking to shopping to socializing and more.   

For enterprises that must now build and maintain relationships with customers and partners in a disrupted landscape, this shift has put even more priority on the quality of and pace of innovation in the digital experiences they offer. 

Digital quality is not only expected, it’s a differentiator. Enterprise teams need a robust way to complete a spectrum of tests to ensure this digital experience is never less than exceptional.  

Related Reading: Explore Perfecto Scriptless Mobile >>

It’s in this context that I wanted to welcome the TestCraft team to Perforce. Perforce has closed the acquisition of Testcraft, expanding our already close partnership to a full team member. In our quest to provide the most comprehensive web and mobile test platform, I am excited about the innovation TestCraft brings to Perforce.  

If you are looking for ways to accelerate automated testing, I encourage you to take a closer look at TestCraft. If you’re currently a Perfecto customer, there’s much to be excited about. The innovations embedded in TestCraft will serve as one of the vectors for Perfecto technology enhancements in the future.   

TestCraft: Codeless, AI-Driven Automated Testing 

With TestCraft, organizations can — through codeless and automated testing — deliver web apps with the speed, scale, and high standards of quality necessary in today’s quickly changing and competitive digital industries.  

Feature to feature, TestCraft offers a robust solution for Selenium-based automated testing. In my mind, however, it stands out in two notable ways. 

  • Teams can create tests that can be run repeatedly WITHOUT coding.  
  • They can also drastically reduce maintenance through TestCraft’s adaptive AI/ML technology. 

Combined, these capabilities expand the proliferating field of testing activities (across browsers and devices) to non-technical business users, while the automation allows teams to conduct more tests at scale and frees their time and attention for work that requires a human touch. Since TestCraft is cloud-based, they can achieve all of this while working and collaborating remotely — from home or anywhere. 

I strongly suggest you see it for yourself by requesting a free trial at TestCraft.io. 

Automated, Codeless Testing for DevOps at Scale 

At Perforce, we’re constantly putting ourselves in the shoes of our customers and asking, “How can we make the end-to-end development process faster, better, and with higher quality?” 

As digital experiences become the norm and not the exception, and as DevOps continues to provide the framework for delivering them, TestCraft helps answer that question. It is a critical component in the Perforce mission of enabling DevOps at scale for organizations building market-facing applications. With TestCraft alongside Perfecto, customers have access to a broader testing platform of solutions that enhance their teams, support quality development, and deliver exceptional digital experiences.  

TestCraft is now Perfecto Scriptless Mobile! Enjoy all the benefits and features of TestCraft with the new and improved product that is both easy to use and seamless to implement. Experience the power of Perfecto Scriptless Mobile first-hand by signing up for a free 14-day trial today.