Name already in use
Commits on Dec 26, 2017
Now that nested matchers work, this passes without any special case for arrays: contains({foo: 'bar', baz: contains(12, 13)}). __matches({foo: 'bar', baz: [18, 12, 13, 15], stuff: this})
make contains accept matcher args for any iterable
So now `td.matchers.contains()` can take a matcher for any (presumed to be) iterable actual argument, meaning td.matchers.contains(isA(Number)) would match actual arg `['a', 2]` or `{a: 'b', c: 2}`, but not `2` itself. This commit also refactors any array specific logic out of the containsAllSpecified function, since once we're traversing a sparse JS object, normal rules should apply that any specified properties be matched appropriately. Finally, the commit flattens out the multi-return statements in each instance.
Commits on Dec 25, 2017
Commits on Dec 23, 2017
Step 9: refactor ensureDemonstration to "pop"
In general, when I can remove a logical branch from a delegator unit (this unit is said to be a "delegator" because its primary task is offloading work onto other units), I'll usually rework the naming to push the branch down. Therefore, "ensureDemonstration" became "popDemonstration", and instead of simply providing a null-check and a potential error, it will now pop the CallLog itself and blow up as necessary. Does it really matter whose job that is? No, not really. But is the resulting `verify` module cleaner? Absolutely! It no longer mixes levels of abstraction quite so much (notice how before it was a little odd how the unit had awareness of a repository object as well as 5 business logic modules) This refactor is a good example of the kind of thought process that discovery testing encourages which I typically would never have undergone had I just written the code (or even "classical TDD'd" it)
Step 8: Make the third test pass
I expected this test to pass without changes, but it didn't! To my surprise, destructured parameter assignment explodes if the right side is null or undefined (this gives a good error message in native v8, but when babelified the message is not helpful). Now, a decision: leave this gross `|| {}`, adding to the branching complexity of the unit to mask over this language quibble, OR refactor things around to push that complexity onto ensureDemonstration, so it can effectively serve as the wrapper, throwing instead of returning a null or a default.
Step 7: write the third failing test
Note that in addition to verifying ensure throws (it will actually use td's `` function), that it also asserts this occurs prior to the other side-effect-having dependencies so those are not called in this case.
Step 4: make the first test pass
This is not proper Kent Beckian triangulation, because I threw the if() statement in there before it was properly required by the test. In practice I'll probably comment out the branch with and without the tests to ensure it's being demanded properly, which is hard to capture in a git log
Step 3: write the first failing test
This uses real Double, Call values and also the actual CallLog. These are not application logic from the perspective of verify(), simply the place it gets its data from (as opposed to an argument, which is more typical).
Step 2: name the things I want to exist in test
Note the three test cases map to the three logical branches present in the pseudocode comment, too. Everything is now accounted for and everything from here on out is paint-by-number. If anything is hard AFTER this point, it's because I'll have forgotten about how to satisfy a method contract or decide I dislike something about the types being passed around
Commits on Dec 22, 2017
add coverage for the teenytest suite
This is just a handy way to guide remaining rewrite work
I believe this is dead code, but am not sure
The code wasn't covered by any tests, which are pretty exhaustive for this feature. Hopefully it's actually dead code, but if not hopefully someone finds it soon enough to remember it was removed